
Happy Chinese New Year 2015!

February 19, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year! For those of you celebrating, it is now the year of the Goat.

You may also have seen that it is the Chinese year of the Sheep or the Ram. It can get a little confusing but they are all correct!

The Chinese sign Goat is associated with the sun sign Cancer. Typically, those born in the year of the Goat are known to be gentle and kind-hearted, and just like the quiet life. Sometimes the Goat is seen as weak or a follower, but their hardworking and kind traits shouldn't be ignored.

Goats don't like negativity in a relationship, and can often back away when faced with cynicism. But they make the best matches for those born in the year of the Horse, Pig and Rabbit, who work well with Goat's sensitive nature.

We hope that you enjoy celebrating the Chinese New Year! To find out more about your birth signs, you can message or call our psychics today.